search for the truth
- 寻找真理;寻找真相

Therefore , he ought to make use of the analogical method , which is the most recognized system to search for the Truth .
She persisted in her search for the truth .
He was unrelenting in his search for the truth about his father .
A resolve not to let commercial interests influence your search for the truth .
We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth .
In philosophy : the search for the truth of the world : the idea that spirit never dies and substance never dies ; the practical view that change and struggle are the general rules in life and action should be guided by rules , etc. .
To search for the ultimate truth of the psyche of modern man ^ he sends his elected hero on an arduous and painful odyssey of self-exploration , self-discovery and self-ratification .
He added that these days anyone can be a propagator , but good journalists have a duty to search for and report the truth .
Eliot , so as to formulate his contemplation of spiritual activities in human beings and his search for the significance of life truth , based on his persistence in American poetic traditions and his modern awareness of human desolation and ultimate fate .